Tiny Survival Guides, Cards and Kits are NOW Available at www.TinySurvival.com
Created by Ultimate Survival Tips
Visit TInySurvival.com for Gear Giveaways, EDC Hacks, Free USA Shipping and Sweet Deals on Everyday Carry Guides, Cards and NEW Pocket Survival Kits...
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Surveys COMING! Here’s a Guide to Getting Your Stuff (+ Add-Ons If You Like : )
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 12:17:38 AM
Hey Friend,
Surveys Are Coming!!!
In fact, we JUST sent a test batch (called a "Smoke Test"). Once we confirm that there are no problems with the survey or the Add-On store… EVERYONE will get their survey.
SO, moving forward this update contains directions for claiming your REWARDS as well as important dates you should to be aware of. It is organized into two parts:
1) Backer Kit Surveys
2) Important Dates
For Those New to BackerKit Pledge Manager...
So, the Kickstarter campaign has closed and Kickstarter has collected your pledge.
NOTE 1: If Kickstarter was not able to collect your pledge, you will still get a BackerKit survey (anyway) and you can pay within BackerKit.
Now, We Need to Know Where to Send Your Reward...
This is where BackerKit makes all of our lives easy!
BackerKit is a survey tool (and an Add-On store) that allows you to purchase additional items (if you like), pay and give us your address.
You will be sent an email subject line (something like this), "Response Needed -- Get your reward for Tiny Survival Guide - Ultimate “Survive Anything” Pocket Emergency Guide + Kit".
This email will contain a unique link to your pledge manager. CLICK the link in that email and follow the instructions on each page.
It’s very easy!
Here's an Overview of What You Will Do...
Answer a Simple Survey Question.
Confirm Your Pledge Level.
Add More Items to Your Order (if you want).
Enter Your Shipping Address.
Enter Payment Details (if needed) and Confirm Your Information.
Once you've confirmed your info, you are all set!
NOTE 2: If you want to add more add-on items, change your card, or update your address, you can log back into BackerKit pledge manger - later - using your link, until the dates listed below.
NOTE 3: If you know you are going to move before we ship in May, just enter the address associated with your credit card and we will remind you in April to update your shipping address before we lock your order prior to shipping.
Important Dates to Remember...
The below dates are tentative and apply to everyone:
Soon - Your backer survey will be sent!
Next Week - A link to your Digital Rewards will arrive in a separate email with the subject line (something like), “New Digital Content for Tiny Survival Guide…”
March 21st, 2019 - All add-on orders will be locked and credit cards will be charged to fund production.
April 17th, 2019 - We will lock addresses. This is tentative since it is somewhat dependent on our production/shipping schedule.
NOTE 4: If you want us to lock your order/charge your card before March 21st (for budgeting purposes), just email us here: [email protected].
A Look Behind the Curtain @ the Add-Ons
Okay, This is pretty much how the ADD-On Store Looks (See below).
Until Next Time…
Keep it Simple, Stay Positive and Be Sharp!
VIDEO UPDATE - Add-On / Survey Update & My Mistake : )
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Mar 01, 2019 at 10:34:24 PM
Hey Friend,
FIRST... Craig, my friend and the co-host of The Survival Show Podcast (with me), and co-Author of the Tiny Survival Guide wanted to say, "Thank You" and give a quick VIDEO UPDATE. See Below...
Next... I'm ready to go, but Kickstarter is not...
In my last update I mentioned that I'd have the post-Kickstarter survey out to you within 3 days to collect your shipping info AND make add-ons available (to those who want them).
I'm ready to go...
However, I forgot that Kickstarter takes a full 14 days (once a campaign closes) to collect backer funds, give folks with declined credit cards a chance to fix them, and get us the final list of PAID backers.
So I can't send your survey until the Kickstarter funding is settled. I totally forgot how Kickstarter's post-campaign process works. My bad!
But the good news is...
#1 - You get to meet Craig in the VIDEO update BELOW and...
#2 - Your rewards will NOT be delayed!!!
In fact, we are a little ahead of schedule on the manufacturing side of things!
You see, as soon as the campaign funded I began the work on getting your rewards into production. So we are in GREAT shape with promised delivery dates (from my manufacturers) well ahead of schedule.
This is AWESOME!
So look for an email from us through BackerKit toward the end of next week (around the 7th or 8th of March).
For your reading pleasure I have included a full list of Add-Ons below...
Now I'm pleased to introduce you guys to Craig...
Campaign Add-on Choices will Include:
Tiny Guides (Yes they will all INCLUDE a Fresnel Lens (for FREE) since you guys made our stretch goal)
Tiny Cards
Tiny Survival Kit (that I've been working on for a while)
Tiny Credit Card Sized Diamond Sharpener
DIY Mint Tin Survival KIT
And... The Ultimate Tiny EVERYTHING Kit that Includes all the above ADD-Ons in One Package and at SMOKIN' great deal.
That's if for now...
Keep It Simple, Be Positive and Stay Sharp!
TEASER Alert! ADD-Ons / Your Survey and Much Happiness...
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 01:03:30 AM
Hey Friend,
Here's a Quick Update of What's Coming Next...
Your "Post Kickstarter" Survey Is Coming Soon - Look for It
We use a platform called BackerKit for ALL of our Post-Kickstarter Reward (and Add-On) Fulfillment Tasks.
Soon, within the next 3 days, you will get an email from me through BackerKit. You will NEED to respond to this email. It will step your through what to do next.
No stress... It's Easy!
Here's What to Do When Your BackerKit / Survey Email Arrives
Click Through YOUR Survey Email to Access Your Pledge Account
Once you are on the BackerKit website you will be able to do 2 cool things:
1) JUST Want Your Pledge and Nothing Else? Great! If this is you, simply fill in your shipping information, submit it and wait in happy anticipation for your rewards. We will ship your pledge as soon as it's ready.
2) Want to Add-On More Guides, Cards (and / or any of the other add-on I've dreamed up)? Excellent! If this is you, simply select any add-ons you want (including more survival guides and cards) in any quantity and go through the check out process. Your add-ons will ship with your pledge. Nice!
BackerKit makes this all SUPER EASY... BackerKit is our friend!
TEASER ALERT! Quick List of SWEET Add-Ons...
OH MY Gosh...
You guys have been so STOKED about add-ons (like I have NEVER seen before) and have made some FANTASTIC suggestions during and after the campaign. Thank you!
Now, You Probably Didn't Know This...
The Tiny SURVIVAL GUIDE and Card are ONLY THE BEGINNING of a world-wide TINY take over : )
All kidding aside...
NO JOKE - many of your ideas, have actually been in the works for a while. How cool is that?
So I took this PAST WEEK to slow the survey down AND move the timetable up on a few REALLY COOL add-on tools (that I had on "the list" already).
Let me know what you think of these...
Here's the ADD-On Short List:
Additional Tiny SURVIVAL GUIDES (any quantity)
Additional Tiny SURVIVAL CARDS (any quantity)
NEW!Tiny SURVIVAL KIT - Surprise!!! Yep, it's something kinda, sorta new that I've been working on with the guys over at WAZOO (Micro) Survival Gear over the past 2 years.
NEW!Tiny KNIFE SHARPENER - It's a credit card sized, dual-sided, dual grit (400 - 600) diamond knife sharpener that is super thin, lightweight, and fits in your wallet or survival tin, emergency kit.
NEW!Tiny SURVIVAL Tin / DIY Kit / Includes: 1 - Pocket Survival Tin (same size as standard Altoids mint tin), 1 - "SURVIVAL KIT" (top of tin) sticker, 2 - (Exclusive) Survival Tin Gear Checklist Stickers (So you can keep track of, and inventory the items in your tin. You can stick the list to the outside or inside of the tin, 1- "How to Build Your Ultimate Survival Tin Emergency Kit" - VIDEO link (with gear suggestions / links to stuff I like over at Amazon.com).
Maybe one or two additional items...
Up NEXT! Survey / ADD-ON Email from BackerKit - Look for It...
Thank you again for your support and excitement for the Tiny SURVIVAL Gear project (and add-ons). You ARE going to love these Tiny Tools!
Have a Fantastic Day!
Talk soon,
Time to Celebrate!!!
almost 6 years ago
– Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:18:01 PM
Thank You Friends!
We did it!!!
1,026 Backers - $37,239 Dollars - 1,063% Funded
I can't say it enough... Thank you for your kind encouragement, trust and support!!! You are amazing!
Keep an Eye Out for Our Pledge Manager Emails from - BACKERKIT
Have a FAN-Tastic Day!
LAST Chance to Get YOUR Tiny Survival Guide and Card on Kickstarter - Don't Miss Out!
almost 6 years ago
– Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 08:47:41 PM
It's crazy! I can't believe that our Kickstarter Ends at Midnight Tonight with us sitting at well OVER 1,000% funded! Wow! Thank you!
So this is my friendly reminder (if you have not already done so), jump in and pre-order your Tiny Survival Gear now!
One Quick Tip...
INSIDER TIP #1: Get a 5 or 10 Pack (of Guides and / or cards). You will save $$ - PLUS - You going to want to give (especially) the Guides away as Stocking Suffers, Birthday Gifts, and to Everyone You Love... No Joke! GET Your Tiny Guides HERE: https://kck.st/2DWa2fH
Once the Kickstarter Ends...
Once the Kickstarter Ends - I will be back with you to explain how you can add-on items to your pledge, how we will gather your shipping information and how we will fulfill your pledge. Its VERY VERY simple with our strategic partner - the FINE Folks over at BackerKit!
Thank you for your encouragement and support! WE DID IT - Together! YES!!!!
Before I Go, Here Are Some of Our Friend's Projects that We LOVE...
Fastest 3-in-1 6-coils Wireless Charging Mat | Built-in MFi-Certified Apple Watch Charger by OPSO | 30W USB-C PD Power Supply: CLICK HERE,
TOLIYA TOWEL: Upgrading Your Bath, Sports & Travel Essential.
Toliya, the world’s best travel & sports towel made of pure cotton, designed to make bathing experience pleasant, while away from home.
Toliya towels that are made to be trendy, incredibly absorbent, skin friendly, and with features such as a fast drying, compact and lightweight, they are ideal for travelers & sport persons who like to carry their go to towel.